The Virtuous Vituperator

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Growing up TOO fast.

Now I am lucky, blessed and downright appreciative of the fact I have GREAT kids!!!! But darn it when did two of them grow up on me like this?

I trust my babygirl implicitly, but, sniffle, tonight she went to her first Homecoming Dance. It's killing me with proud mommy stuff and also with the first big time pangs of "where did the time go?"

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It's just not fair. I want to live it WITH them, and I am, but in the parental way! Darnit. I would have loved to have been at school with my kids and get to see them as they are when they are free from the home stuff. In their element- I'll never truly know that feeling because I'm always first and foremost their mom. A job I love, but it is a piece of them I can only glimpse and get.

Where does it go? She was just in First Grade?! I swear it! Someone built a time machine and moved me forward without my consent! Now can someone PLEASE! beam me back to my comfort zone?


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