The Virtuous Vituperator

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Blogging Ain't Easy!

You know blogging isn't as easy as it seems. It is NOT that I have nothing to say, nor that I am shy on topics to expound my wisdom upon- no. It's time.

The time it takes to commit to a blog (aka: A Journal) is hard to come by. I'm impressed by daily bloggers who tear through the news and keep up with it all in order to formulate opinions and ideas on all matters relating to our world.

It's more than a hobby. You have to actually commit to your blog. You have to love and nourish it for it to grow. Then when the unexpected happens- someone you don't know reads it- you delve a little deeper.

Kudos to all of you regular bloggers. Whether I agree with your views of the world we share, I admire your dedication to keeping up with it all.


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